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Distribute LearnYour Benefits for time savings, higher adoption, and deeper client relationships
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Our many, video-focused features improve understanding and eliminate questions for maximum time-savings.
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Proprietary capabilities and pricing make us a fit for any size employer.
Employee Facing Site Layout
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Distribute customized, video-focused educational experiences to your clients for direct to employee reach that delivers higher adoption.
LearnYour Benefits Admin Area

Multi-featured employee benefits communications solution that delivers an on-demand, video-focused experience that helps employees understand and navigate their benefits, resulting in massive time savings and other measurable results for brokers, employers, and HR products.

Solutions For:

Next-Level Effectiveness

Ultra-affordable and highly-customizable in real time for any year-round 

communications need, resulting in highly-effective communications.

Build Onboarding or Benefits Promotion Landing Pages

Effortlessly assemble your employee benefits site and landing pages for any year-round objective, from onboarding to launching pet insurance, all from a single solution.

LearnYour Benefits Allows Employees to Share Resources with Their Families

Our universally-accessible solution offers employees and their family instant access to any benefits video or resource for optimal learning and real-time decision making.

LearnYour Benefits HR and Benefits Team Administration Area.

Customize your employee-facing LearnYour Benefits website experience and videos at any time, without waiting for support or incurring costs. Plus, all packages come with rapid concierge support.


  • See our solution first hand with a free trial
  • Free setup November 16 to August 31
  • Unlimited orientation and coaching sessions
  • Unlimited optimization meetings
  • Included concierge services
  • Open enrollment refreshing included
  • Year-round campaign assistance
  • Expert custom benefits video creators
  • Software customizations are completed in house

Start a Free Trial

Solutions and Pricing for Any Size Organization

Employee Satisfaction & Utilization Champion

1 %
more likely to feel valued or appreciated
1 %
more likely to feel successful
1 %
more likely to be productive

Learn About Our Unlimited Ability to Customize LearnYour Benefits for Your Organization

Our intuitive administration area and on-call client success teams ensure effortless implementation and customization throughout the year.

Client Testimonials

"I don’t know what took me so long to partner with the Learn Your Benefit folks – I wish I did sooner! We now have a platform in which all our benefit offerings are clearly displayed and accessible in one site."
Corporate Benefits and Risk Manager, Columbia Forest Products
"I have scoured the market and there is no other service like it, LearnYourBenefits truly delivers a one-of-a-kind service. Every employer should give them a call!"
Benefits Manager, Safilo USA

Open Enrollment is Coming

Get started today to save money and improve adoption.  Plus, we always do the heavy lifting.

Time is up. Open enrollment is here. Contact us now.

Our Features

  • Essential Package
  • Advanced Package
Features Essential Package Advanced Package
Primary employee-facing benefits communications website, you control.
Complete, effortless, website and content management system for the employee-facing website with unlimited storage.
Many features are drag-and-drop capable.
Control the logo and branding colors of your employee-facing benefits communications website.
Instantly-selectable, employee-facing website design options.
Designs were designed for popular use-cases. What’s included: Global Video Playlist, Basic Layout, Tiles Layout, and Condensed Menu Layout.
QR code creator included with every site. Download and use the QR code in mailers, printed materials, and posters.
QR code directs users to your primary, employee-facing website.
Educational Video library. Get access to 130+ educational benefits videos you can digitally customize in real-time.
Get access to over 100+ benefits education videos you can digitally customize on the fly.
Virtual Benefits Fair employee-facing website design option great for open enrollment with vendors.
Custom buttons and calls-to-action on the homepage of your employee-facing website to drive learning and action.
Real-time editable message area on the homepage and the header and footer of every page for FAQs or creating a virtual benefits guide.
Great for FAQs, announcements, or creating a virtual benefits guide.
Create unlimited benefits pages/categories filled with resources. You control each page and the videos, resources, and messages on each.
We have no storage or streaming limits.
Customizable landing page [microsite] for open enrollment or promoting a specific benefit.
One landing page can be active at any given time. Upgrade to the Advanced package for unlimited landing pages.
Unlimited customizable landing pages for unlimited flexibility in communicating or promoting your benefits.
Complete analytics module for monitoring and analyzing your employee facing site and landing pages.
What’s included: Session data, user data, video analytics, top pages, top resources, and more.
In-video content recommendation tool that displays documents, videos, and links to viewers, at any point in the video, to drive further learning and action.
Recommend documents, links, and videos to viewers within the video player at one or more points in any video.
In-video scene editor. At any point in a video, display text, data, images, or tables to customize our stock videos, or any other video, to your benefits.
Recommend text, documents, links, and videos to viewers within the video player at one or more points in any video.
Use our customizable benefit plan design videos with real-time content changes to offer employees accurate, detailed benefit plan design videos.
Create and update benefit plan videos, on demand, using our templates without the need for an animator.
One additional employee-facing benefits communications website with all the features listed above.
Great for new hires, families, on-boarding, or any specific audiences you wish to reach.
Included client success services:
Free* setup, optimization, and annual open enrollment refresh with annual payment plans.
There is a setup charge for any clients starting September 1 to November 15 and those starting with a month-to-month license.
Concierge services. You ask, we do. Includes site updates, video changes, and more.
Recurring thought leadership materials and webinars.
Recurring orientation and training webinars.
Knowledge base and help desk for rapid support.
Upon setup and once per year, we’ll help you build and schedule four (4) benefits-promotion landing pages.
Requires the Advanced Package.
Dedicated client success manager (optional)
Optional, but included for those clients seeking custom videos or services.
Analytics review meetings and benchmarking (optional)
Optional, but included for those clients seeking custom videos or services.